I grew up on a dairy farm in the Gippsland outside the town of Loch. As a young girl, I would read the cookbooks that mum kept in the bottom kitchen drawer. As there was always flour, butter, milk, and eggs in the house, I was continuously searching for new recipes for baking.
As a girl, I would make spend my weekend baking puff pastry to make tarts, creating new versions of candies and baking all the colour rainbow cakes. Not much has changed; I’m still searching for recipes that I can cook using what I have on hand or growing in the kitchen garden.
Now that I am grownup, I can cook what I want, using any type of milk. How happy was I when Gippsland Jersey started producing buttermilk? I now use that in everything I bake.
But I am going to start you off with a simple buttermilk recipe, pancakes.
We all need to know how to make pancakes from scratch. This recipe will be with you forever.
This recipe will make a dozen 10 cm fluffy pancakes
Buttermilk Pancakes recipe
- 2 cups of Oak & Swan stone ground wholemeal flour
- 2 teaspoons of baking powder
- 2 eggs
- 2 cups of GJ buttermilk
- 2 tablespoons of GJ butter
If you haven’t noticed its same measurement of all the ingredients in this recipe, hence it is easy to remember forever; 1 part to 1 part to 1 part to 1 part.
- Into a bowl, sift together flour and baking powder.
- Make a hole in the middle of the flour and crack in the eggs. Pour over the buttermilk.
- Beat together until smooth.
- Heat a little of the butter until foaming in a frying pan. Add two spoonful of pancake batter. Swirl around into a round shape.
- Cook for 2 to 3 minutes until firm enough to flip. Then cook for 1 to 2 minutes.
- Serve warm
I had mine with topped with berries I saved frozen from the summer, warmed homemade berry jam and whipped Gippsland Jersey Crème Fraiche. #yum
Acknowledgment of country
Hello, I’m Jaci Hicken, from the lands of the Brataualung clan, which is where I’ve spent most of my life.
I would like to acknowledge all of us here today to cook together and share a meal.
I love sharing my dream of growing the food this country has to offer and share it with you.
The traditional place that we come together today is on the lands Gunaikurnai people
And I’d like to pay my respects to our elders past, present, emerging leaders, along with all the young people in our community.